Squint is a ophthalmological disorder in which the patient's eyes are oriented in two different directions. The problem is commonly known as Strabismus in medical terminology. The problem is cause by defective eye muscles. The problem can affect a person of any age group, even infants. Squint not only affects a person's appearance but can also lead to permanent visual impairment if left untreated for a long time. The problem can be temporarily treated with the help of glasses and eye drops but for permanent treatment, surgery is required. There are various hospitals that offer the facility of squint eye surgery in India. If you are looking for a squint eye surgery specialist in India, Aakash hospital is your ultimate destination. The hospital is a hub for some of the best ophthalmology doctors in India. A lot of patients from foreign countries visit India for the surgery as squint surgery cost in India is comparatively lower as compared to rest of the countries.
The eyes are one of the most important organs of the human body and their proper functioning is very important as the enable us to see the world around us and any kind of defect or ailment of the eyes can lead to difficulty in seeing the things around us and even lead to permanent visual impairment. Our eyes can be affected by a wide number of problems that me either be congenital or attained later in life due to various reasons which include environmental pollution, injuries sustained in an accident, already existent medical condition and unhealthy lifestyle practices like watching excessive television, going out in the sun without any protection and continuously sitting in front of a television screen. Eye problems can also be caused by continuous exposure to harmful radiations and Chemicals.
Squint is one such type of eye defect that can severely affect a person's ability to see properly. The problem refers to improper alignment of eyes due to which it seems as if each of the person's eyes are directed towards different directions. The problem greatly affects a person's appearance and also leads to visual impairment. One of the eyes of the patient is focused at one point whereas the other one is directed either upwards, downwards, inwards or outwards. Depending upon these factors, squint can be divided into four main types. These are listed below:
Hypertropia - in a person suffering from hypertrophic, one of the eye is focused at the centre where as the other eye is turned upwards.
Hypotropia - in a person suffering from hypertrophic, one eye is focused at the centre where as the other is turned downwards.
Esotropia - in case of esotropia, one of the eyes of the patient is turned inwards.
Exotropia - in case of exotropia, one of the eyes of the patient is aligned outwards.
Squint also makes binocular vision impossible, which creates difficulty for the person in appreciating depth perception. The major reason behind the problem is that the extra ocular muscles of both the eyes are not working in coordination as a result of which the eyes are not able to focus at a particular spot and tend to get aligned in different directions. Squint can also be caused by defect in the brain which leads to lack of coordination between the muscles of both the eyes.
The problem mostly becomes evident in early childhood or during infancy and can be permanently treated if the treatment procedure is completed within 6 years of age. Earlier it was believed that squint could not be cured after a certain point but with the use of latest technological advancements and developments in the field of Medical Science, especially in the department of ophthalmology, it has now become possible to treat squint at any stage.
The signs and symptoms of squint are quite evident however minor squint might not be easily noticeable. In children the problem can be easily detected as infants and children suffering from this problem tend to become cross-eyed when they are tired. Apart from this if the child tends to look in a different direction while talking to you or if one of the eyes of the child remains closed it is also a sign that you child may be suffering from squint.
If the problem is caused by hypermetropia, it can be corrected with the use of glasses. Another useful technique to cure squint is by the use of an eye patch which is used to cover the correct eye. As a result of this, the defected eye tends to re-align itself and starts working better. Use of Botox injection which temporarily weakens the injected muscle may also help to correct the orientation of the defected eye. The doctors may also recommend certain eye drops which may also help to improve the condition of the affected eye.
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